Aqua Solutions is a company providing Service of Mechanized Water Storage Tank Cleaning and Disinfection of Bacteria by Well Trained Professionals. Most diseases like Cholera, Dysentery, and Gastro etc. are water borne diseases caused by impurities in water. The routine purification methods are not sufficient so for masses we have developed scientific Tank Cleaning System which comprises of skilled workers, Scientific methods and Ultra-modern machineries to do the job perfectly providing totally clean, bacteria-free and safe for storing water for human consumption. We pride ourselves for being a part of this Cleaning and Conservations Movement for Water and welcome you all to world of healthier and purer life.
Water is very important for all human beings for their survival and health. These underground and overhead storage tanks are the main source of water contamination. This contaminated water is supplied to each household which causes number of diseases. Even after cleaning the water tank manually, the disease causing bacteria and germs still remains in the tank. These residual bacteria and germs increase multi fold in numbers as the conditions in the water tank is suitable for their breeding, thus making the water very risky for human consumption. So to get assured about hygienic water it's advisable to clean the tanks scientifically and systematically.